The past 12 months have been as productive as they have been interesting.  The images in this blog are representative of the sculpting, mold making, casting, chasing and, specialized fabrication of myself and one other artist while in the employ of Carole Feuerman. One of the most gratifying aspects of this year has certainly been the exploration of new and improved materials and methodologies that have yielded the highest quality objects of Carole's career. Digital technologies have also played an enormous role in this past years work. The piece pictured above is the result of a scanned life casting that has been enlarged to nearly twice it's original size, uploaded to a robotic carving machine and milled out of a block of high density urethane foam. Though this process is incredibly accurate in terms of enlarging, it yield a crude, porous surface that requires an enormous amount of refinement. In fact, "Monumental Shower" may well be the most refined piece that I have ever worked on.